I just finished Barbara Kingsolver’s book Prodigal Summer recently and your piece on coyotes carries the same passion she has for them. Thank you!

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I love trees! You can save the trees and I’ll take care of the cats. I can’t fathom why people adopt, then abandon their kittens and cats. Or won’t take them to be neutered/sprayed at a free clinic. I use the money to stop the feral population. Then I establish a home and land solely for cats, where I ensure they have food, receive medical attention, and receive love. Of course, educating people would be part of the program.

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OMG, I love this vision so much. Just save every piece of forested land left on the planet. I've been deeply grieving a single tree this week. I hate how deeply I grieve. I lost an entire night's sleep over it & then didn't sleep well the second night. I am SO DONE with environmental violence.

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One more thing. I've GOT to find out more about the residency at Weymouth Woods. I want to follow your footsteps there.

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