Blessing Moon & Lughnasadh- August 2024
Blessings, Upcoming Courses, The Fool's Calling Tarot Course, Writing Updates, & so much more!
When I plan the content of my newsletters, I ask to be guided to write words that are encouraging and supportive to you who read them. As I write, we are still under the influence of the Blessing Moon and are approaching the first of three harvest celebrations in the Celtic tradition.
I offer deep blessings and gratitude to you and invite you to pass these on to others. In this season of connection and gratitude, I thank you for reading my newsletter and recommending it, and my work, to your friends. I appreciate you joining me in courses and workshops, and in all the other ways in which we connect. Please know how grateful I am!
Blessing Moon, called by many other names, as you wane in the sky, remind us that we are blessed. Teach us to bless all others, for we all share your light. - Deb Bowen, Author
The Blessing Moon was full on July 21. It was later in the evening when I was able to go outside and offer up thanks for the many blessings in my life. I also sent up blessings to you, and to so many who need blessings in their lives right now.
On Thursday, August 1, we celebrate the ancient holiday of Lughnasadh, the first of three Celtic harvest festivals. On this day we offer gratitude for corn and grain and the bountiful harvest we’ve been given in our lives. In the Southern Hemisphere, on this day, early lambs are arriving and life is stirring beneath the soil during the holiday of Imbolc as our friends down under move toward spring.
I Have a Question for You
I invite you to think about all the abundant blessings in your life. Then, think of one person, or one object, or one circumstance for which you are grateful. What is your answer? Write your answer on a piece of paper and put the paper somewhere you will look at it frequently over the next five days or so. Keep adding to the list if you’d like. Then, on August 1, sit with what you’ve written and meditate for a few minutes about your answers. Journal what bubbles up for you. One of the keys to maintaining an attitude of gratitude for me is awareness, I believe.
Here's my answer (at least at this moment): I am grateful for the ability to create – to think and to feel – and to articulate those thoughts and feelings through written and spoken words. I am grateful that you read my thoughts as they pour into words, written in this newsletter or in my published works. I am grateful you listen to my words in courses I teach or on my podcast. May I never take for granted the gifts of creation, communication, and connection with you.
Writing and Teaching Updates
In my last newsletter, I mentioned work I’m doing and wrote that I would update you. Here’s the run-down:
You asked me to offer my Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot introductory course, and registration is open - see information about that below – keep reading!
You asked me to offer my Crow Knows course, and registration is open - see information about that below - keep reading!
I’m writing poetry. I am honored that my “Where I’m From: Seven Decades in Seven Scenes” was published last autumn in Salvation South and I plan to submit new poems to that great publication this month. New poems are ready to be submitted before month’s end!
I’m working on several pieces of creative nonfiction, and a new piece I wrote has been accepted for publication soon!
I’m creating a new course that brings together several metaphysical concepts and how they can enhance your spiritual journey. Stay tuned for its launch in September. Watch for information in August!
I sent a trilogy of poems, a flash fiction piece, and a creative nonfiction piece to a journal in which I am honored to have been published a long time ago, and I hope it will accept my work again!
I’m so happy to connect with you and I’m grateful that you have taken a course with me and subscribe to this newsletter! If you missed my last newsletter, you can read it here.
Writing and Ripening July 2024
On-Going Self-Paced Course!
Thank you so much for the overwhelmingly positive feedback I’ve gotten from people enrolled in this course! I’m honored to know that the information touches you in many ways - it is a joy to write these weekly lessons for you. In every course I teach, I promise students only one thing: I, too, will learn something new. In writing the material for this course, I am indeed gaining new insights about Tarot, and most important, about myself. If you seek to understand yourself and the world around you in new ways from ancient esoteric knowledge, this course is for you!
The Fool's Calling:
Your Personal Myths and Archetypes in Arcane Symbols
A Self-Paced Tarot Course About YOU and Archetypes!
THIS is the in-depth, self-paced Tarot course you requested me to create!
It’s not too late to enroll! You can join this course anytime you like. The first lesson is sent to you on the Monday after you register. I hope YOU will join us on this quest! DEEP gratitude to the many of you who are already enrolled!
Do you seek new ways to learn about yourself and the world around you? For hundreds of years, Tarot symbols have been a gathering place for world beliefs and a source through which we can discover common ground among us and within aspects of ourselves. Tarot offers an exploration of myths and legends, and of cultures and beliefs, that are as old as time and as modern as this moment. For many years, the symbols of Tarot have guided my travel to the world around me, and to myself. Tarot can guide you too on your journey to self.
Venture deeply with me into the myths, legends, beliefs, and cultures of Tarot in this exciting self-paced 38-week course! Tarot wisdom guides your path to your deepest self, while this esoteric knowledge hides in plain sight on the 78 keys of traditional Tarot.
NEW to Tarot? No problem! This course lays the foundation for a deep exploration of the knowledge that supports the meaning of Tarot. This course is not a course in divination or using intuitive skills but rather grounds you in the underpinnings of the time-honored meanings of the keys.
Upcoming Courses You’ve Asked Me to Teach!
Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot
Three-Session Course on Zoom:
Tuesdays, August 6, 13, 20, 2024
Registration Deadline: NOON Eastern US Time, Friday, August 2, 2024
Afternoon and evening sections available.
This is my course that offers an introduction to working with Tarot for divination! Click here for details:
Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot course teaches you how to begin your lifetime relationship with this oracle! True Tarot brings together symbolism from many world beliefs, mythologies, and culture, and these serve as the foundation for your work, and lays the groundwork for your work with your intuition in future courses.
You’ll be introduced in this intensive three-session course to:
The history of Tarot and why it matters in your readings now
The ethics of reading Tarot
How to work with the Major Arcana cards (called keys)
How to work with the Minor Arcana keys
How to interpret reversed keys
Symbolism from Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Celtic, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian beliefs and cultures throughout the keys
How to work with the Four Directions and Four Elements in Tarot symbolism
How key colors impact your interpretation
How numerology relates to Tarot meanings
How to create and interpret a three-key spread
How to create and interpret a Celtic Cross spread
Crow Knows: How To Connect with Corvid Wisdom
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 on Zoom
Registration Deadline: NOON Eastern US Time, Saturday, August 10, 2024
Afternoon and Evening Sections Available
Details and registration on my website:
This course contains updated information since I taught it in 2023! Over the past few months I, and many others, have had intense encounters with Crow. Why? What’s making our relationship with birds of the Corvid family so profound these days? I’ve spent much time researching, studying, meditating, and listening to my Guides for answers. In this information-packed workshop, I share what I’ve learned with you. I believe what I’ve been taught is helpful to us as individuals, and to our work of caring for Mother Earth. I hope you’ll join me!
Substack Recommendations
One of the ways we can connect more deeply is for you to connect with writers and artists who are friends of mine. Please visit these folks. You’ll be glad you did!
Amy Grisak:
Janisse Ray:
Marybeth Bradbury:
Mary Porter Kerns:
Writing Update
Click on the links below to read my most recent works in Salvation South:
“Sunday Fatback”
“The Coyote’s Journey”
“Takin’ Up a Poundin’”
“Tidal Wave Terror”
“Where I’m From: Seven Decades in Seven Scenes”
“Mending Nets”
“A Talisman for Poseidon”
Deb’s Facebook Pages
Another way you and I can connect is through my Facebook pages. I’d be honored if you’d follow my pages. They are a great way to see up-to-the-minute news! I so hope you’ll LIKE and FOLLOW and feel free to comment and share posts!
Deb Bowen, Author
Please note: I will never send friend requests or offer services through Facebook comments on any of my Facebook pages. If you have any questions regarding our communications, please contact me through my email.
Just One More Thing Before You Go
“I am Goddess and Glastonbury, Stonehenge, and Cornwall.
I am when-it’s-time-it’s-time,
running with Wolf and flying with Hawk.
I am home to the sea again in a house not mine. Afraid.
I am praying for John Prine, Kate Wolf, and Rhiannon Giddens.
I am ‘Angel from Montgomery,’
'Across the Great Divide,’ ‘Waterbound.’
I am Wendell Berry and Aldo Leopold, always Rachel Carson.
I am ‘A Sand County Almanac’ and ‘Silent Spring.’
I am my neighbors kill coyotes the way they kill maritime forests.
I am sunrise over the rolling sea and oyster beds and Hurricane Florence.” -from “Where I’m From: Seven Decades in Seven Scenes” by Deb Bowen
published in Salvation South
Thank you!
I love the concept of blessings and gratitude at this time of the year! That is such a good way to look at everything. Thank you for the reminder to mindfully consider reasons to be grateful.