Into the Light: Summer Solstice
Dear ,
In this June 2020 newsletter, I ask you to join me in anticipation of the Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere – the day of the year when light shines the longest on Earth.
I feel as if I have been in dark times for months now, and I’m not sure when these trying times will change. But I know with absolute certainty that times will change. It is from the darkness of despair that the promise of a better, kinder, gentler, healthy tomorrow will come.
In the January 2020 edition of this newsletter, I wrote about 2020 being Numerologically a four year – a year of seeking clarity and discernment, of creating a firm foundation, of balancing air, fire, water, earth. So here we are six months later and I’m reflecting on how those words have evolved. You can read that newsletter edition here:
The pendulum of change must sometimes swing wildly before the balance that builds a firm foundation is reached. So far, that’s what 2020 has brought to light with startling clarity. From the raging fires in Australia last winter to a global pandemic to the horrific killing of George Floyd and so many others and so much more – the pendulum is swinging, and we feel out of balance and anything but clear. It is difficult to discern what is true as we grapple with rapidly changing news.
However, we carry within us our own internal pendulum, our own compass rose that guides us to our own balance, our own true north. I firmly believe that when we balance our own pendulum, when we trust our own compass rose, we can then share balance with the world around us.
I wrote last month about navigating the “new normal” that we all must face now. Horrible as much of this time is – and may continue to be for some time – we are being given an opportunity to get it right this time. To make “normal” something very different from what it’s been in the past. This year, 2020, is indeed the year of clear vision, of four-square balance, of finding a center point of light and love and acting accordingly.
We must say “yes” to so much. Yes to true compassion. Yes to listening respectfully. Yes to acting kindly. Yes to paying attention to what is true and real. Yes to facilitating positive change in our work, our neighborhood, our city, our country, our world, ourselves. Yes to Mother Earth and all Her children, and to children yet to be born.
Here’s the link to the “Into the Light” MP3 meditation I’ve recorded for June
I want this newsletter to be informative and helpful to you, so please let me know how I’m doing! I’m so grateful that you have taken a course or workshop with me, listen to my podcasts, have emailed me, had a reading with me, or subscribe to my blog. I’m so excited to connect with you!
If you missed my last newsletter, you can read it here.
NEW! Now Taught on Zoom Video – My Advanced Tarot Course
Deeper Mysteries of Tarot: Your Journey Continues
Three-Session Course
June 16, 23, 30, 2020
Prerequisite: Completion of “Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot”
This course is not only a continuation of my introductory “Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot,” but offers more depth to your working knowledge of Tarot.
In this course you’ll learn how to:
1. strengthen your intuitive skills in working with the keys
2. incorporate other psychic tools into your work (crystals, pendulums…)
3. work with additional spreads
4. use the keys for prompts in writing, story-telling, and more
5. work with the keys in meditation and more!
6. examine legends and myths associated with Tarot that are still relevant today
Deeper Mysteries of Tarot is now taught via Zoom video. All you have to do each session is click on the Zoom link I email to you along with your handout for the week, and you’re connected to me and your classmates from around the globe! We meet for one and one-half hours each week for three weeks.
Register NOW for Deeper Mysteries of Tarot. Course enrollment is limited, and this course always fills, so register early!
E-Courses on My Website!
Moon Magic and More: An E-Course To Enhance Your Daily Life
Creating a Spiritual Garden: An E-Course To Bring You Joy!
Tarot Key for the Month: The Tower
No doubt about it, The Tower is a frightening key at first glance. Bodies free-falling from a lightning-struck tower to a rocky cliff below, flames shooting from windows, the crown at the top being blown off, and what are those droplets raining from the sky?
Some Tarot scholars say the toppling crown represents materialism, and the tower itself represents the wrong use of personal power. The lightning is fire from the Divine that both destroys negativity and purifies and refines what is positive. The droplets are representative of the Hebrew Yods that signify the “descent of the Life-force from above into the conditions of material existence,” according to Eden Gray.
The falling man and woman represent a fall away from materialism, but only after seeing the power of truth reflected in the lightning.
Cosmic Consciousness, says Eden Gray, attempts to get humanity’s attention in this key. So much has happened this year that you’d think we would have realized that a change – a great cosmic change – is underway. From the fires in Australia to Covid-19 to the horrific murder of George Floyd and so many others, shine a light on so much more injustice – The Tower reminds us that we have concentrated our energy and attention in the wrong directions in the past.
However, the lightning-struck tower also reminds us that storms end, that we can be enlightened by the lightning. Storms wash us clean and offer rainbows of promise about what we can do differently, of who we can become. When The Tower of our beliefs, our actions, and our values tumbles, we build anew.
Note that the number of this key is 16, which becomes 7 numerologically. Seven is the number of spiritual mastery, of intuition. It is the number of deep connection to the divine, to a higher consciousness. So, as awful as the world may feel at this moment as the towers are tumbling, remember there is hope. And that hope is us.
NEW! Animal Guide for the Month
When I asked my Spirit Guide for suggestions about this new section of my newsletter, he shook his head and said, “There are so many from which to choose – trust yourself!” Not very helpful, was he?
So I thought about Crab as we move into the sign of Cancer. I
thought about Deer, who is related to Litha, the Summer Solstice holiday celebrated this year on June 20 in the Northern Hemisphere. And then the trilling song of Wren burst into my meditation, and I knew. Specifically, Marsh Wren, who is very common at my house.
According to Ted Andrews in his book Animal Speak, Wren feathers protect one from drowning (who knew!), and in pagan traditions, wren is sacred to Earth gods and goddesses. Wren is filled with confidence and will challenge much larger birds or four-leggeds if threatened.
Wren invites us to examine our resources and how efficiently we use them and reminds us to build effectively in our own environment. Are you as confident as you could be? Are you grounded? Do you remember to sing with joy, sometimes in spite of the hardships in your life? Ask Wren to come and be a reminder to you of your gifts to yourself and the world, and she will appear!
PS – as I write this, two wrens have found their way into my screened porch and are fluttering about. I’ve never been able to find how they get in and out, but I’ve learned to trust the lessons they come to share! I know that one of those lessons is this: pay attention to the mundane, the every day, in your life. The little common wren is a powerhouse of cosmic lessons!
Deb’s Podcasts
Our PsychicTeachers podcast outlets continue to grow, and our Android listeners can now hear us on Podcast Addict. We’re also on Google Play, iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Spreaker and almost all podcast apps and outlets! Remember listening is FREE!
NEW!! Deb & Friends: Quest for Connection podcast is working on adding video-casting (or maybe replacing podcasting with videos!). I’m working on equipment and recording upgrades to make this
happen, so watch for announcements here and on my Facebook pages. Remember that Quest focuses on the intersection of culture, spirituality, and science, so please join us for thought-provoking and interesting episodes.
This podcast also is broadcast FREE! Don’t miss a single episode by checking out both our archives and upcoming offerings on many podcast outlets, including iTunes here:
Another way you and I can connect is through my Facebook pages. I’d be honored if you’d follow my pages. They are a great way to see up-to-the-minute news!
PsychicTeachers Deb & Friends: Quest for Connection Witches of the Shore
BLESS YOU, , for reading my newsletter!